√ Delicious and Savory Fish Culinary Typical Waders – Surabaya

Delicious and Savory Fish Culinary Typical Waders – Surabaya

Who do not yet know the fish Wader? This small fish in Indonesia spread on the island of Sumatra, Bali, Borneo and Java. In Java, a fish of the family Cyprinidae is known by the name of Waders or Cakul, in Bengkulu, known as Sepadak, named Seluang in South Sumatra. The total length of the fish Waders can reach 17 cm. However, the average length of fish is so savory after at this FRY is 10 cm.

Delicious and Savory Fish Culinary Typical Waders – Surabaya

In Java there are 2 types of Stingray Fish Wader i.e. Waders and Wader Spots 2. However, in East Java, particularly Surabaya, fish Waders that are often consumed by locals is a Wader Pari.

  • How to catch fish Wader?

fish Wader

The fish is so easy to Waders are found in swamps or waters of the river waters. They are very happy to live in a group and many dining options. If you see a bunch of Fish Wader, the easiest way to catch it, namely using the sieve size fish are big enough and You can easily create your own. However, it would be more fun if you catch it by way of dipancing.

When you are going fishing Waders in the River, then it is not necessary to use a float (less effective because of the buoy will continue to move affected the flow of the river).

In the area of the Marsh, fish love to be in Waders edge bogs contained a variety of aquatic plants and Fish generally Waders that are located in the marshes is larger than Fish living in the river Waders.

As the bait you can use rice Moss which has been prepared in advance with a pinch of salt + water. In addition, you also can use the bait of bread that has been mixed with the leaves of the cassava (mashed cassava leaves until smooth, add the bread and a little water).
Delicious and savory Fish Waders:: Cuisine Surabaya

In Surabaya, fish Wader is one of the favourite fish are often consumed by locals. They cultivate the way fish are fried. Will this food more delicious if served with savory tomato sauce typical of Surabaya. Warm a plate of rice and a glass of sweet tea will be a complement for those who like one of the typical culinary of Surabaya.

If travelers are on vacation to Surabaya, don't until you let go of the opportunity to enjoy the delights of Fish Wader. We recommend if you want to enjoy this culinary at food stalls Wader Windmills located in South Ketintang. This place is located on the edge of a highway and is close to the railway line as well as the unfortunate President at Meatball Shop.

It is not difficult to find the location of where to eat. As a little guide for you, the location of Windmills are Waders Stalls around 1 km from the Royal Plaza Surabaya and about 500 meters from the Office of SAMSAT Ketintang.

In Waders Windmills not only provides its flagship menu i.e. Fish Fried Tomato Sauce + Wader. Here there is also a diverse menu of other grilled fish, grilled chicken, Fish, various types of Pepes Botok and much more. Whereas to eliminate your thirst, there are several choices of fresh drinks like Sinom Galingale, rice, sweet tea, and Orange or Lemon Ice is too warm.

In addition, in this place to eat Your rice free to take as much. Want to add an unlimited number of price remains the same. There are 3 types of rice that is Plain White rice, Corn, Rice and Savory Rice (Uduk). Wow, really delicious once because each visitor is allowed to try on these three types of rice is only with one pay i.e. Rp 4,000/person (the price may change at any time).
How to make a delicious culinary Fish Fried Wader

  • How to make a delicious culinary Fish Fried Wader?

For tourists who want to try it, here we will give a short tips how to make delicious Fried Fish Wader.

1. The first thing to do is clean the Fish, remove the Waders fill his stomach but do not need the scales (discarded scales)
2. Prepare a variety of delicate seasoning which consists of 5 cloves of garlic, 2 cm turmeric 3 tablespoons cilantro and salt to taste.

The next step after the fish were cleaned, soak the fish with lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Then rinse and soak with subtle seasoning for the fastest 10 minutes. Once it's fried until dry. The goal is to make the Fish so that it can be crunchy Waders eat all parts of the fish.

To make it more tasty, You prepare Tomato Sambal Terasi also consisting of tomatoes, 2 1 cayenne pepper, 1 red pepper 3 cloves of curly, red onion, 1 clove of garlic, and roasted shrimp paste 1 TSP and don't forget the salt and sugar in accordance with the taste.

In addition to Fish, Wader in Surabaya was also a cuisine which has existed since decades ago. Besides it tastes good, the cuisine is also rich in nutrients and good to maintain your health. Typical town of the hero is known as Semanggi. There are portions in one leaf clover, bean sprouts, Kale, and secret spice hmm ... delicious.

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