Yogyakarta, an artistic city set in the central part of the island of Java, is rich in culture and heritage, and is blessed with amazing natural panorama. Today the city is decorated with wonderful attractions that will bring you to the most spectacular sights of its picturesque nature! In the age of selfies and photo sharing between netizens all over the world, Yogyakarta has been rapidly developing more and more photogenic points around its scenic landscape to lure visitors. Here are some spots to start your epic adventure:
1 Wood deck at Puncak Becici
(Source: Tempatwisataindonesia.id) |
Address: Gunungcilik RT. 07 / RW. 02, Muntuk, Dlingo, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55783
2 Heart-shaped deck at Kalibiru
(Source: Wisatalova.com) |
Address: Jalan Waduk Sermo, Kalibiru, Hargowilis, Kokap, Hargowilis, Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55653
3 Giant Hibiscus deck at Goa Jepang Surocolo
(Source: Tokoilmukita.blogspot.co.id) |
Address: Seloharjo, Pundong, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 557714
4 Giant Hands at Pinus Pengger
(Source:Blog.reservasi.com) |
Address: Terong, Dlingo, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55783
5 Bird’s Nest at the Mojo Gumelem Hill
(Source:Myfunfooddiary.com) |
Address: Mangunan, Dlingo, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55783
6 Titanic mood of Jurang Tembelan Kanigoro
(Source:Blog.reservasi.com) |
Address: Mangunan, Dlingo, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55783
So, the next step to do is just get your best photo gear and memory cards ready to start exploring these most trendy spots. And don’t miss out on more adventures welcoming you at many beautiful destinations around Yogyakarta.