√ Tradition and Artistry in Bali

Tradition and Artistry in Bali

Tradition and Artistry in Bali

Besides place make a trip its nature plenty of, Bali also having tradition him and unique artistry. Tradition and this artistry remain to awake its continuity. Tradition and this artistry also become fascination to tourist.

Uluwatu Kecak Dance
 1. Uluwatu Kecak Dance

Dance Kecak is typical dance of most very attractive and famous Bali for look. From many place which look on to draw kecak, what most interesting is Dance of Kecak Uluwatu residing in Gate of Uluwatu. Dance Kecak Uluwatu show of dance of kecak typical of Bali with sun background sink in very beautiful Uluwatu. Dance of Kecak Uluwatu very popular. Therefore if you wish to look on show of Dance of Kecak Uluwatu, in suggesting to order since far day.

2. Witnessing Ancient Sendra Balinese Dance

On 1 and 15 per month in Temple of Butuan, if Ensemble Gambuh Countryside of Batuan in Bali, they will present to demonstrate Gambuh. Gambuh is to demonstrate oldest art in Bali presenting music, literature, artistic of dance and role coming Javanese in a period of Majapahit (1292-1527). Orchestra of Gambuh use drum, gong, flute and bell to create dynamic music struktus which become base from all typical music of Bali.

Some demonstrating the including “The Stabbing Horse the of” (Pricking A Horse), fictitious regarding seeking of love and its healing, Bali of Jewels (Ornament of Bali), demonstrating to draw which is covered with Hamlet masterpiece of Shakespeare with accomodated version. If you there is there around 1 and 15, going to Temple Rock to witness to to demonstrate Gambuh Countryside of Batuan (if them again in Bali).

3. In Countryside All Actor

Artistic Galeri is one place which better visit. Ubud is house for many galeri, this is some artistic galeri which you earn to visit. Firstly, there is Setia Darma, Center Mask and Puppets. interesting Museum made to develop higher level love and awareness to is multifarious of mask form and traditional puppets.

This place represent place with mask collection and biggest puppets in world, there is its 6000 collection, is kept in 5 Joglo (traditional wooden house of Java). Can also you visit house artist of Bali, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad. You also can see result of masterpiece of Lempad and other artist.

4. Making of Batik and Typical Woving of Bali

If you wish to learn more about is complicated of him result of typical swan song of Bali, you have to see it is directly. Circle about countryside of Tohpati and you will find some big batik factory where you can see by xself all actor work there.

Witnessing process from early making of batik from strarting to be drawn with pinsil then in candle, last is colour before this cloths is braised and dried to yield perfect batik. And moment they have, buy this batik to be brought to house. Visit Batik of Popiler II, one of the recommended shop in Countryside of Tohpati.

5. You Will Chisel Stone, Wood and Make Mask

Something else which also is eye appeal the than Countryside Rock is to the number of stone basrelief workshop. If you is wood basrelief or making prefer to mask, hence Mas is correct place for the mu of have. To location in main road of Denpasar to Ubud, Countryside of Mas famous with its other wood basrelief style from is other, you which must visit is Mas Carving Centre.

6. Famous Workshop Ornament in Celuk

Prapen is and workshop of showroom ornament which is famous to be. Owned by original family of Bali which it is true active in ornament of silver, and even all its predecessor is maker of goods for the ceremony of custom  have. Location in clever countryside of traditional iron of Celuk. Prapen yield ornament of silver use technicsly of secret which have been done by some generation in their family. In open workshop which fulfilled by all worker, you earn to witness their process yield typical souvenir of Very beautiful Bali.

If will, you even can also make ornament alone and bringing him come home. (not free). Perceive all actor yield miracle with wood, mask, and as usual, buy their one masterpiece to be brought to go home. Wood basrelief and making of mask: Countryside of Mas, Ubud, Bali.