√ Historical charm in Sewu Temple Klaten

Historical charm in Sewu Temple Klaten

Candi Klaten – lots of potential in the area of Indonesia, especially in Java. The island has a million charm with technology and infrastructure that is always evolving, making it the most populated island as a destination for tourism and education. The one that became the goal was the effort, a county that is in Central Java, where we will find the evidence of history is at once a unique place which will make satisfaction for bird lovers there.

Sewu Temple Klaten

For those who like water rides, here there is a spring that is clear and sparkling water clarity because there, the visitor can see the content of the water until the rocks and fish there ever come into sight. Call it Ponggok and Umbul Umbul Manten. The source of the springs that became the mainstay of the Sub-District of Pulonharjo is becoming increasingly popular with tourists who come by post spot photo underwater. Even because the existing clarity Umbul Manten referred to as outdoor glass. Quiet plus water clarity makes his charm all its own. While there is a Ponggok with various underwater spot serves up a property that is in it.

In addition to natural beauty offer, Klaten district is also famous for ancient, an imaginary being an educational tourist destination. Call it the Prambanan, Plaosan Temple and Sewu Temple. The historic site is located in Bugisan Village area, a subdistrict of Prambanan. A masterpiece that was created by the skilled hands which make this historical heritage as a place of learning with a million charm attached to them. Like Plaosan Temple which becomes proof of the religious tolerance. The creation of this temple exists from the Kings and Queens that have streams of different religions. Be faithful to his religion without leaving each other. Isn't touching it?

  • History, Origin, legend, the Relief, the entrance ticket and Tour routes to Candi Klaten

History, Origin, legend, the Relief, the entrance ticket and Tour routes to Candi Klaten

As with Candi Plaosan Temple, also has plenty of beauty and the legends who no doubt will make our knowledge grew and grew. This temple was built around the 8th century A.d. with the unique architecture is a blend of Hindu temple and a Buddhist temple. The layout of the Sewu temple itself is located in Bugisan Village Bener, Dukuh, Prambanan, Klaten Regency. Located next to Prambanan Temple, making this region became known, the distance that there are approximately 800 meters. The area of the Sewu temple itself has a length of 185 meters and a width of 165 meters.

Candi has the older age of Prambanan or Borobudur Temple which became the biggest Buddhist temple in Indonesia. A large number of temple complex this amounted to 249 and fruit to enter the Sewu temple itself there is 4 doors are available and are in the four quarters of the Compass i.e. North, South, East and West of the temple. It is located in the Valley of Prambanan stretched South to the Merapi volcano in the North make this place beautiful and fresh. Coupled with the presence of mountain ranges are present, that become delimiters between Klaten and Yogyakarta, making this place a more charming and beautiful.

For each of the door, there is a pair of Dvarapala, upon entering the Court there will be more towards the entrance of the complex in Sewu Temple. Disalamnya there are ancillary temples whose size is very small functions to keep the main temple, which totaled 240 pieces. The settings are very neat because this temples arranged in 4 groups, each group consists of 4 rows and all facing out. Where is the 4th series had 88 fruit rows of perwara, then row 3 has 80 fruit ancillary temples, row 44 has 2 fruits and rows of perwara 1 there are 28 ancillary temples?

As for the Temple, Candi Apit is the magnitude of the standards, not too big and not too small. The number is lantara, and there were 8 for Temple makes the squeeze is Dwapala that keep the entrance area of the Sewu Temple. And for the main temple is only one lying in the middle of the temple and became its center. There are 5 rooms here, 1 main room in the middle and 4 on each side of the room corners, the even East room is equipped the entrance leading into the main room. The total size, the width to reach 29 meters high and 30 meters. All this place is empty, first, there is a statue of the bodhisattva who embodies Manjasri have 4 meters. But its existence is gone, only the remaining Foundation only in the form of carved stone lotus flowers.

  • The Origin Of The Sewu Temple

The Origin Of The Sewu Temple

Many mention the origin of the Sewu Temple in Yogyakarta, from all our existing mucus opinion to one opinion. That suggests, the name of the Sewu temple comes from the number of temples, because the numbers were very much with the rocks around the temple that very many then called sewu, or natural language of Indonesia means a thousand. So it can be said that the Sewu Temple is a temple very much or the Temple of a thousand.

Many have asked what the heritage Sewu Temple? To get the answer could pay attention to the following information. The history of the formation of the Candi dates back centuries ke8, Sewu Temple was built by the reign of Rakai Panangkaran from 746 until 784 years who ruled the ancient Kingdom of Mataram was Sanjaya dynasty Hinduism, Sewu temple building. Which is then restored and enlarged during the reign of his son namely Rakai Pikatan. During his reign, he married a daughter of Syailendra dynasty who are Buddhist, i.e. Pramordhawardhani.

The marriage produced a dynasty and religious acculturation without fouling each other. The King remains Hinduism and the Queen still adhere to Buddhism. From this initial tolerance occurs. These have a direct impact on the people, where the people can live a peaceful and serene setting side by side despite having differences. Evidenced by the existence of the Sewu Temple, and Prambanan Temple side by side.

  • Legend Candi Prambanan

Legend Candi Prambanan

In addition to the origin of the described above, there is also the famous legend that developed in the community. It is in connection with the story of the Sewu Temple, and Prambanan Temple. The story begins in the ancient times there was a great Kingdom called the Kingdom of Prambanan ruled King Baka, peaceful and prosperous people. Elsewhere there is the Kingdom that is not less magnitude, namely the Kingdom of Pengging also, but its King famously arrogant and greedy that has Milky Knight named Bandung Bondowoso to mandra which has the jin forces.

Because of greed, he intends to take the Kingdom of Prambanan, Bandung Bondowoso and King sent to invade the Kingdom. Sure enough the next day, Knight was able to conquer the realm and kill Lord Baka. This made the King of Pengging also pleased. Diutuslah returns the Prince to lead the Kingdom.

Arriving in the Kingdom, Bandung Bondowoso who just realized that Lord Baka has a beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang, the graceful. Without the stale base, she immediately applied for the Princess. Roro Jonggrang feels confused and afraid to refuse because he hated people who have killed his father. Finally, he agreed on one condition, namely building 1000 temples and 2 wells in one night. The request was approved, without thinking, Bandung Bondowoso and evening the jin build temples.

Due to the almost complete 1000 temples, Roro Jonggrang started cheating with beating a dimple about as morning came and the Jin army began to retreat and Bandung Bondowoso himself. Until the morning comes the requirement that unresolved. Because felt lied to, Bandung Bondowoso who finally condemn Rojo jonggang became his last sculpture statues in the now-Prambanan Temple popularly known as Rorojonggrang Temple. And temples exist around the temples of Roro Jonggang totaling nearly 1000 was named Candi.

  • Route To Candi

Route To Candi

To the location of Yogyakarta took the direction to Solo and Yogyakarta border-Klaten, more precisely at the last traffic light take a left, and follow the asphalt road to the North. About 500 meters will find the intersection take a left. Tanks on the course will be visible location adjacent to Prambanan Temple.

  • Klaten Sewu Temple Entrance

Klaten Sewu Temple Entrance

To enter, visitors must pay Rp 30,000.00. Existing ticket is inclusive of insurance and admission to Prambanan and Sewu Temple. Because the Sewu Temple located in the Temple. In addition to both the temple, there is a temple that is located was designed with the location of the start of the temple Candi Lor Kidul, Candi Lumbung Temple, Bubrah Temple, and others.

  • Relief Candi Sewu

Relief Candi Sewu

The existing statue has three parts namely legs, body and roof or head. To the foot of the patterned relief has purnakalasa or pots of flowers and there is a statue of a lion that exists in every corner of the meeting. Along the outside edges of the stairs cheek shaped makara, patterned reliefs with kalpawrsa yaksha, and still with a flower-shaped sankha jembangan. For there is a relief sculpture of the body section of the deity in a sitting position or vajrasana and his head is surrounded by fire or siracakra as a symbol of the power of the gods. There are doors in the verge of old makara. There are also reliefs of musicians drums and dancers as well as to which is the creature of the manikin from the interface, the each corner of the building. You can see a picture of the sewu Temple has been recorded in the virtual world.

  • The Function Of The Sewu Temple

The Function Of The Sewu Temple

Fungi Sewu temple used to worship Buddha or deity as a place of worship by Buddhists, also serve as a form of breeding against the Buddha. And as the site for the purposes of sanggha monks in religious ceremonies.

Much historical material that can be drawn from these sights. Don't be a tourist came to the temple for the prestige, because it is this temple monk who witnesses could tell us life in the past, we can also tell you our next generations. Don't forget to always keep clean tourist attractions.

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