√ Village Community Life Sade – A Traditional Sasak Village

Village Community Life Sade – A Traditional Sasak Village

Village Community Life Sade A Traditional Sasak Village. On vacation to the island of Lombok, along with family or friends will be more fun if you take yourself for a visit to the village of Sade. Usually, the tourists depart from Mataram city heading to the beach of Tanjung Aan will stop over briefly in the village. Although it is called a village, however this Sasak settlement located on the edge Jln. Raya-Kuta Praya.

Village Community Life Sade – A Traditional Sasak Village

Sasak tribe is native to Lombok and Wektu Telu religion of Islam. Wektu Telu Islamic is Islamic religion has elements of Hinduism and Buddhism. Village Sasak Village is the most ancient Parrot.

The location of the village not far from the foot of Mount Rinjani. However, tourists are more frequently visited the village of Sade in the village of Rembitan.

Village community life Sade as untouched by modern lifestyles. They are more interested in preserving culture and tradition in everyday life.

However, the village has been utilizing the facilities of electricity, the same as the Pegeringsingan village of Tenganan in Bali island.

At the moment is in the village of Sade, tourists can observe the daily life of the villagers. The men in the village of Sade's profession as farmers, while the women in addition to the busy Cook and take care of the children, they also worked as weavers cloth songket typical Lombok which can be marketed in several art galleries.

Home traditional Sasak (Bale Tani) is very simple and is made from raw wood and bamboo matting on the walls. The roof of her house using straw from the leaves of reeds or palm leaves. The floor is made of a mixture of soil, the SAP of the tree, and hay.
The tradition in weddings

Then the floor was smeared with dirt water buffalo that serves as an adhesive as well as to maintain the condition of the floor so as not to damp when the rainy season or dry season drought at the time. Uniquely, no smell at all from the dirt.

This traditional House is divided into 2 IE Bale Bale out (vestibule) and Bale in (back room). Between the Bale has a difference in height so that there are 3 stairs.

These three steps as a symbol of the Wektu Telu (three times) that is born, develops and dies. Wooden doors for entry into the Bale In small-sized and oval.

In Bale In, there are 2 furnaces that are made from raw land and blend with the floors of the House. The furnace is used for fuel wood to cook with.

In front of the House, there is a building that functions to store rice (rice barn). On the lower part of the building was used by the inhabitants of the village of Sade as a place to socialize between fellow citizens.

In addition, there is also a building named Berugak. The building is similar to cottage or gazebo.
The following variety village community life Sade

  • The following variety village community life Sade:

1. Religion

In ancient times, the religion of Islam which is run by the Sasak are slightly different from the teachings of the Islamic religion in General. The Islamic religion they still affected Buddhism and Hinduism. However, the current population of the village of Sade has run five times prayers.

2. The tradition in weddings

There is a unique tradition of a man applying for a woman who became the fruit of his heart. The prospective groom would kidnap the fruit of careful at night. The woman returned to her parents ' home on the next morning or after a few days to desires.

This tradition is something romantic things for those who love each other. However, if the woman does not love the kidnapper, then it is a sadness for him.

The elderly woman could not cover the kidnappers refused because if rejected would be bad for the Princess later where no man would want her.

3. Expertise in weaving

Based on the rules of the past, a girl can be married if not yet able to weave. Expertise in weaving is the symbol of independence where a woman ready to preclude.

However, the current regulations are not in force. A woman who was 17 years old has been deemed ready for marriage.

To create a sheet of cloth songket typical Lombok, it takes between 1 week to 1 month. The length of time depends on the complexity of the pattern, color, and size of songket.

The tools used are still manual and made of wood. In fact, the yarn will be used is the result of a process of cotton spinning and performed by them with the use of simple wood spun.

Staining on yarn comes from a variety of plants such as the blue color of the fruit mangkudu and yellow color is produced from turmeric.

In tourist areas, you also have the opportunity to learn to weave fabric.
4. Livelihood

The majority of the men of the village of Sade's profession as a farmer or work outside the village, while the women will help make a living by way of weaving, weaving or songket weaving ikat.

The price of this fabric is so varied between Usd 50,000 to hundreds of thousands of rupiah. The price depends on the level of complexity, colors, and the time it takes to make it.

In addition, your skill in haggling over the price is also very influential. While in the village of Sade, tourists can easily find their works which were displayed in virtually every home.

In addition to weaving, women in the village of Sade also makes a variety of assessors women such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings as well. A variety of assessors is so beautiful and rich colors.

5. The art of the typical village of Sade

Some typical Arts Village Sade among others the art of Drum Dancing, Beleq Oncer and Peresehan. In ancient times, the art of Drum Beleq often performed before the King as a form to deliver the troops will depart to the battlefield.

While Peresehan is the tradition of the fight between the 2 men armed with rattan sticks and equipped with a shield made from the skin of cows.

The tradition of Peresehan is similar to the tradition of Mekare kare-(war of the pandan) in the village of Tenganan Pegeringsingan Bali.

  • Transport Heading To The Village Of Sade

The village is located in the village of Sade Rembitan, Kec. Pujut, Kab. Central Lombok. The village is approximately 1.5 hours from Mataram city.

If travelers departing from Lombok International Airport, it only takes approximately 20 minutes to arrive at the location of the village.

Visitors can use several modes of transportation such as public transit, taxi, or rent a car and a motorcycle. Car rental prices of about Rp 600,000/10 hours, and rents a motor for one day is Rp 50,000.

Before entering the village, tourists must fill out a guest book and pulled out some money for voluntary donations.
The Village Of Sade

  • Lodging

For tourists who want to find lodging, lodging was available with the variation of such prices and classes in the town of Mataram and Praya, City Beach Kuta Lombok.

Lodgings include Kuta Indah Hotel, Hotel BIL, Aerotel Mandalika Praya, Grand Hotel, Hotel Santika Mataram Lombok, and so on.

A visit to the village of Sade can add your insight about the art and culture of Lombok.

Therefore, if tourists planning to travel to the island of Lombok, entering the village of Sade in your travel schedule.

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